In: Group Analysis 56(2): 234-247.
Key words: chronic violence, massacres, drug cartels, corruption,
In: Group Analysis 56(2): 234-247.
Key words: chronic violence, massacres, drug cartels, corruption,
In: Honig, Marcia and Martinez-Taboada, Cristina (Ed.): Cultural Diversity, Groups and Psychotherapy around the World.
International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes: Linceu
Lecture at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Pontifical Jesuit University) in Bogota in August 2019 on the topic: Trauma in the Classroom. Challenges for teachers in post-war times
Reporting on a conversation with Indian friends in Otavalo, 40 years traveling to Otavalo!
Link to article in English: Otavalo en la memoria de la alemana Elisabeth Rohr
Link to the video on APAK TV: Conversatorio; Memorias de Otavalo en las décadas de los 70’s y 80’s
17th International Symposium of the Group Analytic Society International
Vortrag auf einer internationalen Tagung in New York: Humanity on the move – groups too?
The care and support of war-traumatized refugee children in Germany represents a major challenge for health services: There are asylum law and language barriers to consider that either make rapid psychosocial or psychotherapeutic care and treatment impossible or at least difficult. But beyond these legal and linguistic difficulties, the question arises how a culturally sensitive, diversity-conscious and prejudice-conscious work with war-traumatized children can look like, which neither wants to individualize nor de-contextualize the children’s trauma? This is a recording of the lecture by Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Rohr: Kriegstraumatisierte Flüchtlingskinder in Deutschland: Chancen und Grenzen ihrer psychosozialen Versorgung und Betreuung (War Traumatized Refugee Children in Germany: Chances and Limits of their Psychosocial Care and Support) from December 14, 2016. It was another lecture of the lecture series at the FU Berlin, organized by Prof. Dr. Klaus-Jürgen Bruder with the cooperation of the Alfred Adler Institute Berlin and the regional association of the German Society for Individual Psychology (DGIP). The theme of the lecture series is: Flight and Arrival: Psychosocial Aspects of Migration and Integration.
“From Conflict to Recognition: Cultural Transformation through Group Supervision in Guatemala” (29.8. – 2.9.2011; London)
From Conflict to Recognition: cultural transformation through group supervision in Guatemala from Group Analytic Soc International on Vimeo.
Elisabeth Rohr is Professor for Intercultural Education at the Philipps University, Marburg, Germany. She is a group analyst engaged in profit- and non-profit, national and international organisations. Her main research topics are: Christian Fundamentalism in Latin America; identity conflicts of female, adolescent migrants in Germany; female body modifications; and clinical supervision. She has established a group analytic supervision training in Guatemala over the last ten years.
Her paper describes the transformation of a culture of conflict into a culture of recognition in Guatemala. She discusses the challenges involved in developing a group programme in a post-conflict society still divided by deep scars in its social fabric left by the aftermath of war. Groups cater for large numbers of orphans, war-widows, injured and displaced families. Dealing with the horrors of the past through indigenous organisations inevitably replicates some of these divisions in tensions amongst the workers. Supervision of the group workers allows the sharing of anxieties, doubts and differences in a protected space, re-establishing trust and opening perspective for a more constructive way of solving conflicts.
Psychoanalyst Alfred Garwood has written a review of the paper „From Conflict to Recognition: Cultural Transformation through Group Supervision in Guatemala“ at the 15th European Symposium in Group Analysis.
You can read this here: The Challenge of Chairing a Special Symposium Plenary [Garwood, A. (2011): The Challenge of Chairing a Special Symposium Plenary“. – Group-Analytic Contexts 2011/54: 42. London.]