Here are some publications available for online viewing.
2020 | Vilma Duque and Elisabeth Rohr (Hg): Supervision in Mesoamerika. Herausforderungen in einer traumatisierten Postkonfliktgesellschaft. Psychosozial-Verlag, Gießen 2020. |
2018 | Vilma Duque, Elisabeth Rohr (Editoras): Como montar un caballo muerto. Retos de la Supervisión Psicosocial en Mesoamérica. Serviprensa, Guatemala. Download here |
2018 | Duque, Vilma y Rohr, Elisabeth (Ed.): Còmo se monta un caballo muerto? Retos de la supervisión psicosocial en Mesoamérica. Guatemala/Guatemala. |
2014 | Mechtild M. Jansen, Jamilla Adamou (eds.): The Forgotten Children of Globalization. Psychosocial consequences of migration. Psychosozial-Verlag, Gießen. |
2007 | Wagner-Rau, Ulrike/Jansen, Mechthild M. (eds.): Die halbierte Emanzipation? Fundamentalism and Gender. Königstein/Ts. 2007. |
2004 | Body and Identity: Society written all over it. Königstein/Ts. 2004. |
2003 | Martiny, Christel: Körper – Identität – Geschlecht (Texte und Materialien zur Unterstützung des Sudienprogramms ‘Gender-Studies und feministische Wissenschaft’). Marburg 2003. |
2002 | Jansen, Mechtild M. (eds.): Border Crossers. Women on the run, in exile and in migration. Gießen 2002. |
1997 | La destrucción de los simbolos culturales indigenas. Quito 1997. |
1995 | van Gisteren, Ludger (eds.): Gender Encounters: Many places – little space. Frankfurt 1995. |
1991 | The Destruction of Cultural Symbolic Structures. On the influence of Protestant fundamentalist sects in Latin America and the future of the Indian way of life. Eberhard Verlag. Munich 1991. |
I. Articles in scientific journals and edited volumes
2022 | E. Rohr: Online video supervision – A field report. In: gruppenanalyse 32. jg. 1/2022, pp. 41-47. |
2021 | E.Rohr: Japanese Journal of Group Psychotherapy. Vol. 37, No. 2, 2021, p. 161-170. Curative Factors of Group Analysis, JAGP38 – March 2021, Exploring the Wisdom for Group Psychotherapy |
2021 | E. Rohr: Trauma and empathy in supervision in Guatemala. In: Trauma. Journal of psychotraumatology and its applications. Jg. 19, Issue 4, pp. 30-39. |
2021 | E. Rohr: The disappearance of empathy in times of societal of social radicalization. In: Group psychotherapy and Group Dynamics. 57, 2/2021, pp. 126-141. |
2020 | Elisabeth Rohr and Renate Cogoy: “Do you want a VW beetle or a Mercedes-Benz?” In: gruppenanalyse, 30. jg. issue 2/2020, pp. 166-183. |
2020 | E. Rohr: Flight and Arrival as Transition. In: Kerschgens, Anke and Schnabel, Beate, Frankfurter Institut für interkulturelle Research and Counseling (eds.): Psychosocial Work with Adolescent Refugees. Transcultural transition spaces and processes of understanding. Brandes & Apsel, Frankfurt, p. 13-24. |
2019 | Elisabeth Rohr (2019): Intercultural supervision: an ethnocentric phantasm? In: FoRuM Supervision – Zeitschrift für Beratungswissenschaft und Supervision: How “German” is supervision? Pp. 18-29 |
2019 | Piercings and Tattoos – Ritualized Traces of Memory on the Skin? On the social psychology of a phenomenon. In: Decker, O. and Türcke, C. (Eds.): Ritual: critical theory and psychoanalytic practice. Gießen, Psychosozial-Verlag, pp. 77-92. |
2019 | Terror, fundamentalism, and male adolescence. In: Yakeley, J. and Cundy, P. (Ed): Psychoanalytic Perspective on Fundamentalism, Radicalisation and Terrorism. Routledge, Oxon/Uk, p. 70-82. |
2018 | World in Motion – The Emotional Impact of Mass Migration. In: Group Analysis 51, 3, 283-296 |
2018 | Rohr, E. and Duque, V.: Supervision in other worlds. A recent status report from Guatemala, El Salvador, and Mexico. In: supervision. Mensch Arbeit Organisation, no. 2, 2018, pp. 51-53. |
2018 | El trauma y sus implicaciones sociales y politicas. En: Spiller, R./Schreijäck, T. (eds.): Colombia: memoria histórica, posconflicto y transmigración. Peter Lang, Berlin/New York, p. 129-139. |
2017 | Piercings and tattoos as a reflection of adolescent identity conflicts. In: Psychoanalyse im Widerspruch 58/2017, pp. 65-80. |
2017 | Terror, fundamentalism, and male adolescence. In: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. S. 1-12, Issue 4 |
2017 | Forced autonomy and no time to grieve. Transnational childhoods in Ecuador. In: Schnoor, H. (ed.) Psychosocial development in postmodernity. Psychoanalytic perspectives. Pp. 109-124. Psychosozial-Verlag, Giessen |
2017 | Ambivalences of the Stranger. Social psychological attempts at understanding. In: Psychoanalysis in contradiction. Physicality and ambivalence. Pp.29-42 |
2017 | Children on the run. The traumatization of a generation. In: K.-J. Bruder and C. Bialluch (eds.): Migration and racism. The politics of misanthropy. Gießen, Psychosozial-Verlag, pp. 83-100 |
2017 | Drawings on the skin: the secret messages of piercings and tattoos. In: Social Magazine1-2-2017:66-71. |
2017 | Drawings on the skin: the secret messages of piercings and tattoos. Between optimization mania and adolescence-specific search for identity. In Social Magazine 1-2.2017, pp. 70-77 |
2016 | If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together. In: Gruppenpsychother. Gruppendynamik 52: 308 – 322 (2016), Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen 2016 |
2016 | Review of: Schindler, R. (2016): The living structure of the group. Selected writings. Giessen, Psychosozial-Verlag. In: group psychotherapy and group dynamics. 2/2019, pp. 173-179 |
2016 | Intimidad e incohesión en un mundo globalizado. En: Guimón, J. (Coord.:.De la cuna al asilo. Cuál es el futuro de la Salud Mental en Europa? p. 155-170, Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao. |
2016 | When the contract killer is at the door. In: Project Psychotherapy 03/2016, pp. 24-26. |
2016 | Piercings and tattoos and the eventization of the body. In: Yearbook of Pedagogy 2016. pp. 147-157 |
2016 | If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together. In: Gruppenpsychotherapie, Gruppendynamik 52:308-322. |
2016 | Intimidad e incohesión en un mundo globalizado. En:Guimón, J. (coord.): De la cuna al asilo. Cuál es el futuro de la Salud Mental en Europa? Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao, p. 155-170. |
2016 | Transnational Childhood and the Globalization of Intimacy. In: Hunner-Kreisel, C./ Bohne, S. (Eds.): Childhood, Youth and Migration. Connecting Global and Local Perspectives. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, p.261-273. |
2016 | Supervisión Psicosocial en una Sociedad traumatizada. Programas de Paz y Reconciliación en Guatemala. En: Spiller, R. con la cooperación con W. Mackenbach, E. Rohr, T. Schreijäck, G. Strecker (Eds.): Guatemala: Nunca Más. Editores F&G, Guatemala, p. 105-127 |
2015/2016 | The Social Unconscious in the Supervision of the Stranger. Experiences in South Africa, in Guatemala and in Ramallah/Westbank. In: supervision, people work organization. Issue 4, pp. 22-31. |
2015 | female and male attitudes in supervision. In:Gröning, K. /Kunstmann, A.-C./Neumann, C. (Eds.): Gender-sensitive counseling. Lines of tradition and practical approaches. Psychosozial-Verlag, Giessen, pp. 261-275. |
2015 | Migration, Trauma and School. Commentary on the contribution by D. Zimmermann. In: Free Association, Issue 1, pp. 114-117 |
2014 | Intimacy and Social Suffering in a Globalized World. In: Group Analysis 47(4), p. 365-384. |
2014 | Fugitive Identities in Volatile Times. In Group Analysis 2’14, pp.85-96 |
2014 | Transnational motherhood and transnational childhood. An Ecuadorian case study. In: Radl Pilipp, Rita / Fonseca-Silva, Conceição (ed.): Violencia contra las mujeres. Perspectivas transculturales. Violence against women. Cross cultural perspectives. Santiago de Compostela:Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, p. 65-84. |
2014 | La travesía de Enrique – Enrique’s Journey. In: Hispanorama No. 144 Mai 2014, S. 40-41. |
2014 | Tattoos and Piercings. Adolescents in search of identity. In: . In: Impuls, Das Magazin Des Österreichischen Berufsverbandes für Kinesiologie No. 31(1), pp. 26-27 |
2014 | The Globalization of Intimacy. Fates of transnational childhood. In: Rohr/Jansen/Adamou (eds.): The forgotten children of globalization, Psychosozial-Verlag, Giessen, pp. 99-120. |
2014 | Beauty surgery. Beauty mania or a new form of body therapy. In: Impuls, Das Magazin Des Österreichischen Berufsverbandes für Kinesiologie No. 32(2), pp.42-44. |
2013 | Achotegui, J.: The Ulises Syndrome. Mental health risk factors in migration. In Rohr/Jansen/ Adamou (eds.): The forgotten children of globalization. Psychosozial-Verlag, Giessen, pp. 49-62. |
2013 | The Denial of Grief. Transnational childhood in Ecuador. Scenes from a field research. In: Rohr, E. (ed.): Staging the unconscious in modernity. Alfred Lorenzer today. Tectum-Verlag, Marburg, pp. 139-156 |
2012 | Intimidad e incohesión en un mundo globalizado. En: Avances en salud mental relacional. Revista Inernacional On-Line, Vol. 13, No. 1 |
2012 | From Conflict to Recognition: Cultural Transformation through Group Supervision in Guatemala. In: Group Analysis Volume 46/ 3. 272-285. |
2012 | La infancia transnacional y el debate en torno a la “cadena del cuidado”. In: Ecuador Debate, Heft 88, S. 169 – 182. |
2012 | Formación en supervisión analítica de gupo en Guatemala. – Giros de Aspas, 2012/ 10: 64-74. |
2012 | Challenging Empathy. In: Clinical Social Work Journal 40/4: 450-456. |
2012 | Le tracce del trauma nella realtà post-bellica del Guatemala. Riflessioni teoriche sugli effetti del trauma sull’ organizzazione sociale. En: Gruppi, Vol. XIV, N. 3 Settembre-Dicembre 2012, p. 11-38. |
2012 | Understanding and entanglement – Ethnopsychoanalytic method and supervision. In: Forum Supervision, Issue 40, pp. 27-41 |
2012 | Elisabeth Rohr with the collaboration of Elin Rau: Transnational childhood and the “care chain” debate. In. Birkle, C., Kahl, R., Ludwig, G., Maurer, S. (eds.): Emancipation and feminist politics. Entanglements, dislocations, transformations. Sulzbach/Taunus, Ulrike Helmer Verlag, pp. 246-262 |
2012 | Traces of trauma in post-conflict Guatemala: theoretical reflections on the effects of trauma on social organisation. In: Auestad, Lene (Ed.): Psychoanalysis and Politics. Exclusion and the Politics of Representation. London, Karnac, p.173-198 |
2012 | Desafiando la empatía en un contexto traumitazante. Experiencias como Supervisora Analítica de Grupo en una Sociedad Posconflicto. En: Revista Psicólogos, Ciudad de Guatemala, Numero 5, Abril 2012, p.6-12. |
2012 | An internship in Africa and its supervisory reappraisal in a university seminar. In: Dinger, W. (Ed.): Gruppenanalytisch denken -supervisorisch handeln. Group competence in supervision and the world of work. Kassel, pp. 200-217. |
2011 | After the Conflict: Training of Group Supervision in Guatemala. – In: Kleinberg, J.L. (Hrsg.): The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook if Group Psychotherapy. Oxford, S. 517-547. |
2011 | Challenging Empathy. Experiences as a Group Analytic Supervisor in a Post-Conflict Society. In: Clinical Social Work Journal. Volume 29, Number 1, 3/2011, S. 1-7. |
2011 | Supervision with students in university seminars. A special form of counseling and theory-practice mediation. In: Schnoor, Heike (ed.): Psychodynamic Counseling. Göttingen 2011. |
2011 | Body modifications in female adolescence using the example of piercings and tattoos. In: Borkenhagen, A. & E. Brähler (Eds.): Intimmodifications. Varieties of play and their psychosocial meanings. Giessen 2010, pp. 31-52. |
2010 | The Kurdish Schoolgirl. A case interpretation. In: Werkblatt. Psychoanalysis & social criticism. 27th Jhg. 2010, Heft 65, 2/2010, pp. 87-110. |
2010 | Women in Latin American Fundamentalism. In: Bertelsmeier-Kierst, C. (ed.): Between Reason and Feeling. Female religiosity from antiquity to the present. Bern. Berlin. Frankfurt am Main 2010, pp. 199-211. |
2010 | From sacred ritual to youth-cultural design. On the social and psychological significance of piercings and tattoos. In: Abraham, A., Müller, B. (Eds.): Body action and body experience. Multidisciplinary perspectives on an explosive field. Bielefeld 2010, pp.225-242. |
2009 | How to ride a dead horse? Symptoms of collective traumatization. Experiences in Guatemala. In: Free Association. Journal of the Unconscious in Organization and Culture. 12. jhg. 2009, issue 3, pp. 85-97. |
2009 | Supervision training in Guatemala. A challenge in terms of content as well as emotion. In: DGSv Aktuell 1.2009, pp.8-9. |
2009 | Farewell to a Dead Horse: Group Analytic Supervision Training in Post-War Guatemala. In: Group Analysis 42(2), 2009, p.107-119. |
2008 | Let’s Talk. Communication in intercultural school situations. In: Schnabel,B./Bianchi-Schaeffer, M. (Eds.): The intercultural classroom. Frankfurt am Main 2008, pp. 55-70. |
2008 | Alienation and Identity. Supervision in Guatemala. In: Group Analysis Vol. 18(2), 2008, pp. 121-134. |
2008 | Supervision and biography in the context of psycho-social traumatization processes. Experiences from Guatemala. In: Forum Supervision, Issue 32, Volume 16, October 2008, pp. 11-23. |
2008 | Body manipulation in female adolescence using the example of piercings and tattoos. In: Psychosozial, No. 112, 31st volume, Issue II, 2008, pp. 13-22. |
2008 | Ethnopsychoanalytic Experiences in Guatemala. On teaching and learning intercultural communication and the relevance of ethnopsychoanalysis for pedagogy. In: Datler, Wilfried/Finger-Trescher, Urte/Gstach, Johannes/Steinhardt, Kornelia (Eds.): Annäherung an das Fremde. Ethnographic research and work in a psychoanalytic-pedagogical context. Jahrbuch für Psychoanalytische Pädagogik 16. Giessen 2008, pp. 92-103. |
2007 | Interculturality in Supervision. Group analytic examples from Guatemala. In: Roth, Wolfgang Martin/ Shaked, Josef (eds.): Transcultural Coexistence in the Age of Globalization. Vienna 2007, pp. 123-142. |
2006 | Time to Remember and Time to Understand. Dialogue with a coma patient and a plea against euthanasia. In: Bauer, Annemarie/Gröning, Katharina (eds.): The late family. Intergenerational relationships in old age. Giessen 2007, pp. 107-117. |
2006 | The Coyote. A trafficker and his business with migration. In: Frankfurter Rundschau, No. 33 of 08.02.2006, pp. 24-25. |
2006 | Shame and individuation in migration. In: Gruppenanalyse – Zeitschrift für gruppenanalytische Psychotherapie, Beratung und Supervision, 16 (1), 2006, pp. 10-28. |
2005 | Innovative Methods of Intercultural Understanding. In: Biesinger, Albert et al. (eds.): Solidarity as an intercultural learning process. Münster 2005, pp. 127-139. |
2005 | Power and Gender in Organizations. In: Haubl, Rolf (ed.): group analytic supervision and organizational consulting: an introduction. Giessen 2005, pp. 79-98. |
2005 | Intercultural conflicts – backgrounds, manifestations, coping strategies. In: Schäfer, Ute/Heimvolkshochschule Haus Neuland e.V.. (Ed.): Impulse für eine interkulturelle Teamentwicklung in der Altenhilfe – Handreichungen für die Praxis. 22nd workshop report. Bielefeld 2005, pp. 135-148. |
2005 | Migrant Women at Work – Paradoxes of a Monoculturally Oriented Working World in Social Institutions. In: Schäfer, Ute/Heimvolkshochschule Haus Neuland e.V.. (Eds.): Impulse für eine interkulturelle Teamentwicklung in der Altenhilfe – Handreichungen für die Praxis. 22nd workshop report. Bielefeld 2005, pp. 95-108. |
2005 | Intercultural Competence. In: Blickpunkt EFL-Beratung: Zeitschrift des Bundesverbandes katholischer Ehe-, Familien-, und Lebensberaterinnen und -berater e.V., April 2005, pp. 19-27. |
2005 | Treading Boundaries: Young migrant women in the group analytic process. In: Brandes, Holger (ed.): Boundaries and boundary violations in groups. The group in clinic and practice (vol. 1). Opladen 2005, pp. 49-62. |
2005 | Conference report: 5th Summer Academy of the DAGG in Granada, Spain. In: Psyche: Journal of Psychoanalysis and its Applications, 59, 2005, pp. 175-177. |
2004 | Educational Aspirations of Young Migrant Women and the Ambiguities of Adolescence. In: Frölich, Margrit et al. (eds.) Interculturality in European Perspective. Adolescents from migrant families and their chances for integration (Arnoldshainer Interkulturelle Diskurse 5). Frankfurt/Main 2004, pp. 67-78. |
2003 | Economic-cultural change in the age of globalization: opportunities and risks for the young generation and requirements for an intercultural education. Documentation of the symposium “Possibilities and limits in intercultural youth education and youth work”, September 17-18, 2003 in Oberreifenberg, pp. 9-19. |
2003 | Migration and female adolescence. Group analytic experiences from a research project. In: Yearbook of Group Analysis, vol. 9, 2003, pp. 53-68. |
2003 | Intercultural Competence. A shared and mutual learning process in a globalizing world. In: Paths to Man: Monatsschrift für Seelsorge und Beratung, heilendes und soziales Handeln, 55 (8), 2003, pp. 507-526. |
2003 | Schmidt-Bernhardt, Angela: Die Schöne, die Kluge, die Einfühlsame. Dynamics in a bicultural group with young women. In: Group Analysis, 13 (1), 2003, pp. 47-62. |
2002 | Intercultural Competence as a Key Qualification of an Ethnic-Plural Society. In: Teichler, A. (ed.): Welfare state, immigration and ethnic minorities. Problems, developments, perspectives. Opladen 2002, pp. 199-214. |
2002 | Education and Reflexive Modernity. In: Götz, K. (ed.): Bildungsarbeit der Zukunft. Management Concepts. Vol. 26, Munich/Mering 2002, pp. 271-284. |
2002 | Lost Shadows – Migrants, Refugees and Social Class: A Group-Analytic Challenge. In: Group Analysis, 35, 2002, p. 424-436. |
2002 | Leaving Old Paths for New Horizons. The beginning and the end of supervision training. In: Forum Supervision, 19, 2002, pp. 26-40. |
2001 | La violencia xenófoba en Alemania. Datos actualos y aspectos de género. In: Radl Philipp, Rita (Hrsg.): Cuestiones Actuales de Sociología del Género. Santiago de Compostela 2001, Espana, p. 221-238. |
2001 | Women on the run. In: iza – journal of migration and social work. Heft 2, 2001, pp. 62-65. |
2001 | Totally different and yet the same. Female life concepts of young migrant women in adolescence. In: Rohrmann, Eckhard (ed.): Mehr Ungleicheit für alle. Facts, Analyses and Reports on the Social Situation of the Republic at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Heidelberg 2001, pp. 115-134. |
2001 | The Love of Daughters. Female adolescence in migration. In: Sturm, Gabriele/Schachtner, Christina/Rausch, Renate/Maltry, Karola (eds.): Zukunfts(t)räume. Gender relations in the process of globalization. Königstein 2001, pp. 138-162. |
2000 | Schnabel, Beate: Flüchtige Identitäten. Young female refugees and the difficulties of becoming adults. In: Group Analysis, 10th volume, issue 1, 2000, pp. 19-34. |
2000 | Group Analytic Mediation. In: Heimannsberg, Barbara/Schmidt-Lellek, Christoph (eds.): Intercultural Counseling and Medition. Frankfurt 2000, pp. 75-93. |
2000 | The Desire of the Researcher. In: Eisenbach-Stangel, Irmgard/Stangel, Wolfgang (eds.): The External and Internal Foreign. Strangers in sociological and psychoanalytical perspective. Vienna 2000, pp. 75-94 |
2000 | Eroticism and power in supervision and therapy. In: Group Analysis, Vol. 10, Issue 2, 2000, pp. 101-125 |
1999 | Schnabel, Beate: Personality Development. In: Woge e.V./Institut für soziale Arbeit e.V. (Eds.): Handbook of social work with child refugees. Hamburg 1999, pp. 351-358 |
1999 | The fundamentalist disenchantment of the world – The ethnopsychoanalytic case study of an Indian Mormon in Ecuador. In: Apitzsch, Ursula (ed.): Migration and the Formation of Traditions. Opladen/Wiesbaden 1999, pp. 273-298 |
1999 | Staging Modernity on the Example of Xenophobic Violence. In: Psychosozial, No. 77, Issue III, 1999, pp. 97-108 |
1999 | The Robbed Masculinity. On the ethnopsychoanalysis of religious fundamentalism in Latin America. In: action, culture, interpretation. Journal of social and cultural studies. 8. volume, issue 2, December 1999, pp. 27-58 |
1999 | Cultural Change – and how women and men react to it. In: Götz, Klaus (ed.): Cultural Change. Stuttgart 1999, pp. 61-68 |
1999 | Between all chairs. Female supervisor and male client. In: Forum Supervision, No. 13, March 1999, pp. 55-71 |
1999 | Women and men in supervision. In: Wege zum Menschen, 51st volume, issue 1, January 1999, pp. 17-38. |
1998 | Das Fremde im Eigenen – Sozialkritisch-psychoanalytische Überlegungen. In: Büttner, C. (et al.) (eds.): Bridges and Fences. Intercultural Pedagogy between the Foreign and the Own. Giessen 1998, pp. 107-120. |
1998 | With religiously-inspired pioneering spirit. Fundamentalist against disintegration and subjective neglect. In: ila, Journal of the Latin America Information Point, No. 216, June 1998, pp. 7-9. |
1998 | The Pact with the Devil. The Fiesta de San Juan in Otavalo, Ecuador. In: Schmidt, E./Münzel, M. (eds.): Ethnology and Staging. Approaches to theatrical anthropology. Marburg 1998, pp. 315-348. |
1997 | De cuando la razón entra en conflicto con la sensorialidad fisica. Los roles feminino y masculino en el marco de la investigación antropológica. En: Alonso, Jorge (Ed.): ESPIRAL, Estudios sobre Estado y Sociedad, Universidad de Guadalajara, Septiembre/Diciembre de 1997, p. 167-204. |
1997 | On the crisis of supervision and the future of the profession. In Gruppenanalyse 1/1997, pp. 33-48. |
1997 | The Challenge of the Stranger – Reflections on the Supervision of Intercultural Work Contexts. In: Treber, M./Burggraf, W./Neider, N. (Eds.): Learning Dialogue. Concepts and Reflections from the Practice of North-South Encounters. Frankfurt am Main 1997, pp.256-266. |
1996 | Reprint. In: Menne, K/Cremer, H./Hundsalz, A.: Jahrbuch für Erziehungsberatung. Munich 1996, vol. 2, pp. 209-222. |
1996 | De cuando la razón entra en conflicto con la sensibilidad fisica: los roles femenino y masculino en el marco de la investigación antropoliogica. En: Radl Philipp, R. (Ed.): Mujeres e institución universitaria en Occidente. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela 1996, Espagna, p. 191-212. |
1995/ 1996 | Intoxication and Asceticism. On the Ethnopsychoanalysis of Fundamentalism. In: Journal für Psychologie. Bremen 1995/96, pp. 63-84. |
1995 | Fascinación y miedo: La vivencia masculina y femenina del ser extrano. En: Actualidades en Psicologia. Etnopsicoanalisis y Hermeneutica profunda en la investigación social. Reflexiones sobre el racismo. Vol. 11, Nr. 87, San José, Cost Rica 1995, p. 33-54. |
1995 | The Female and the Male Gaze: The perception of the stranger and the gender of the researcher. In: Heinemann, Evelyn/Krauß, Günter (eds.): Gender and culture. Contributions to Ethnopsychoanalysis. Nuremberg 1995, pp. 129-174. |
1995 | The Foreign Woman. The female view of a foreign culture. In: “Notizen”, Journal of the Institute for Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology at the University of Frankfurt 1995, pp. 265-298. |
1995 | Catholics or Evangelicals? In: Journal of Latin America. Vienna 1995, No. 46/47, pp. 79-92. |
1995 | Feminismo y Psicoanálisis. In: Radl Philipp, Rita/Garcia Negro, Carmen (Ed.): As Mulleres e os Cambios Siciais e Econimicos. Santiago de Compostela 1995, S. 149-158. |
1995 | When the Dream Becomes a Nightmare. On the supervision of institutionally unconscious violent relationships. In: Bauer, Annemarie/Gröning, Katharina (eds.): Institutional histories and institutional analyses. Social Scientific Interferences in Floors and Layers of their Rules. Tübingen 1995, pp. 220-248. |
1994 | Ethnicity and Cultural Symbolic Structures. In: Kößler, Reinhart/Schiel, Tilman (eds.): Nation-State and Ethnicity. Frankfurt 1994, pp. 57-74. |
1993 | Fascination and Fear. Male and female experience of strangeness. In: Jansen, Mechtild M./Prokop, Ulrike (eds.): Fremdenangst und Fremdenfeindlichkeit. Frankfurt 1993, pp. 133-162. |
1993 | Fundamentalism: A Utopia of the Disenfranchised? An ethnopsychoanalytic case study from Ecuador and some reflections on the method of psychoanalytic field research. In: Periphery No. 50/1993, pp. 19-36. |
1993 | In the Church: Ethnopsychoanalytic Research in Ecuador. In: Group Analysis (London), Vol. 26. No.3, Sep. 1993, p. 295-306. |
1992 | The Age of Anger. The Ecuadorian painter Guayasamin in conversation with Elisabeth Rohr. In: Kea. Journal of Cultural Studies. 1992,pp. 107-128. |
1992 | The Protestant fundamentalism in Latin America: a paternalistic surrogate? In: Contributions to Feminist Theory and Practice, 32/1992, pp. 37-46. |
1992 | In the Glass House – Group Analytic Experiences with Secretaries. In: Group Analysis 1’92, pp. 69-87. |
1991 | Sensuality as Taboo. On the subjectivity of research experiences. In: Heinemann, evelyn/Kraus, Günter (eds.): contributions to ethnopsychoanalysis. The Mirror of the Stranger. Nürnberg 1991, pp. 131-144. |
1991 | Fragile Boundaries: A Group-Analytic Experience with Secretaries. In: Group Analysis (London), Vol. 24, No. 3, Sep. 1991, p. 263-270. |
1991 | Women in a Fatherless Society. On the significance of women in the history of religion in Latin America. In: Steger, H.A. (ed.): volume 18 of Latin American Studies, Nuremberg 1991, pp. 309-318 |
1991 | Paura e seduzione nell`incontro con lo straniero. In: Homuth, Karl/za, Luigi (Ed.): Nuove minoranze in europa: quale formazione. Lecce (Italien) 1991, S. 131-138. |
1990 | “…and they poison the blood of our children, brothers and sisters”. On the causes of the success of Protestant missionary entrepreneurs in Latin America. In: Periphery 39/40, 10th volume, Dec. 1990, pp. 196-216. (also published in Ecuador) |
1990 | The End of the Indian Lament. Impression from the Continental Assembly of Indian Peoples in Quito, Ecuador. In: ila, journal of the Latin America Information Office, No. 138, Sep. 1990, pp. 6-7. |
1990 | The Dream of Flying. Cult mission in Latin America. In: Ethnopsychoanalysis. Faith, magic, religion. Frankfurt am Main 1990, pp. 55-87. (also published in Ecuador) |
1988 | On the role of women in the uprising of Otavalo 1777. In: Kellenbenz, H./Schmitt, E./Schneider, J. (eds.): Lectures on economic and social history. Heft 13, Nürnberg 1988, |
1987 | Mujeres y resistencia. In: Sarance No. 11, La revista del Instituto Otavaleno de Antropología, Otavalo, Ecuador 1987, S. 37-48. |
1987 | Van Wilde Indiaan tot tamme Loonslaaf. de kwalijke praktijken von Sekten in Latijns-Amerika. In: Elsevier (Niederlande) No. 46, 43. Jahrgang., vom 14.11.1987, S. 172-175. |
1987 | The initiation of a researcher into a foreign culture. In: Curare 10,2/1987, pp. 69-85. |
II. Other publications
1990 | The Air Force of the Missionary Army. On the worldwide expansion of the Protestant fundamentalist radio and television mission. In: Die Neue Zürcher Zeitung, no. 172, 27.07.1990, p. 55. |
1988 | “Let the Indians Pray and Work.” North American Missionary Enterprises in Latin America. In: Die Neue Zürcher Zeitung, no. 87 of 15.04.1988, p. 5. |
1987 | “God Loves Us as Well as the Whites.” The Gentle Seducers Exploit the Mistakes of the Rulers. In: Die ZEIT. extra, No. 40 of 25.09.1987, pp. 49-54. |