
Here are some publications available for online viewing.

2020Vilma Duque and Elisabeth Rohr (Hg): Supervision in Mesoamerika. Herausforderungen in einer traumatisierten Postkonfliktgesellschaft. Psychosozial-Verlag, Gießen 2020.
2018Vilma Duque, Elisabeth Rohr (Editoras): Como montar un caballo muerto.
Retos de la Supervisión Psicosocial en Mesoamérica. Serviprensa,
Guatemala. Download here
2018Duque, Vilma y Rohr, Elisabeth (Ed.): Còmo se monta un caballo muerto? Retos de la supervisión psicosocial en Mesoamérica. Guatemala/Guatemala.
2014Mechtild M. Jansen, Jamilla Adamou (eds.): The Forgotten Children of Globalization. Psychosocial consequences of migration. Psychosozial-Verlag, Gießen.
2007Wagner-Rau, Ulrike/Jansen, Mechthild M. (eds.): Die halbierte Emanzipation? Fundamentalism and Gender. Königstein/Ts. 2007.
2004Body and Identity: Society written all over it. Königstein/Ts. 2004.
2003Martiny, Christel: Körper – Identität – Geschlecht (Texte und Materialien zur Unterstützung des Sudienprogramms ‘Gender-Studies und feministische Wissenschaft’). Marburg 2003.
2002Jansen, Mechtild M. (eds.): Border Crossers. Women on the run, in exile and in migration. Gießen 2002.
1997La destrucción de los simbolos culturales indigenas. Quito 1997.
1995van Gisteren, Ludger (eds.): Gender Encounters: Many places – little space. Frankfurt 1995.
1991The Destruction of Cultural Symbolic Structures. On the influence of Protestant fundamentalist sects in Latin America and the future of the Indian way of life. Eberhard Verlag. Munich 1991.

I. Articles in scientific journals and edited volumes

2022E. Rohr: Online video supervision – A field report.
In: gruppenanalyse 32. jg. 1/2022, pp. 41-47.
2021E.Rohr: Japanese Journal of Group Psychotherapy. Vol. 37, No. 2, 2021, p. 161-170.
Curative Factors of Group Analysis, JAGP38 – March 2021, Exploring the Wisdom for Group Psychotherapy
2021E. Rohr: Trauma and empathy in supervision in Guatemala. In: Trauma. Journal of psychotraumatology and its applications.
Jg. 19, Issue 4, pp. 30-39.
2021E. Rohr: The disappearance of empathy in times of societal of social radicalization. In: Group psychotherapy and Group Dynamics. 57, 2/2021, pp. 126-141.
2020Elisabeth Rohr and Renate Cogoy: “Do you want a VW beetle or a Mercedes-Benz?” In: gruppenanalyse, 30. jg. issue 2/2020, pp. 166-183.
2020E. Rohr: Flight and Arrival as Transition. In: Kerschgens, Anke and Schnabel, Beate, Frankfurter Institut für interkulturelle Research and Counseling (eds.): Psychosocial Work with Adolescent Refugees. Transcultural transition spaces and processes of understanding. Brandes & Apsel, Frankfurt, p. 13-24.
2019Elisabeth Rohr (2019): Intercultural supervision: an ethnocentric phantasm? In: FoRuM Supervision – Zeitschrift für Beratungswissenschaft und Supervision: How “German” is supervision? Pp. 18-29
2019Piercings and Tattoos – Ritualized Traces of Memory on the Skin? On the social psychology of a phenomenon. In: Decker, O. and Türcke, C. (Eds.): Ritual: critical theory and psychoanalytic practice. Gießen, Psychosozial-Verlag, pp. 77-92.
2019Terror, fundamentalism, and male adolescence. In: Yakeley, J. and Cundy, P. (Ed): Psychoanalytic Perspective on Fundamentalism, Radicalisation and Terrorism. Routledge, Oxon/Uk, p. 70-82.
2018World in Motion – The Emotional Impact of Mass Migration. In: Group Analysis 51, 3, 283-296
2018Rohr, E. and Duque, V.: Supervision in other worlds. A recent status report from Guatemala, El Salvador, and Mexico. In: supervision. Mensch Arbeit Organisation, no. 2, 2018, pp. 51-53.
2018El trauma y sus implicaciones sociales y politicas. En: Spiller, R./Schreijäck, T. (eds.): Colombia: memoria histórica, posconflicto y transmigración. Peter Lang, Berlin/New York, p. 129-139.
2017Piercings and tattoos as a reflection of adolescent identity conflicts. In: Psychoanalyse im Widerspruch 58/2017, pp. 65-80.
2017Terror, fundamentalism, and male adolescence. In: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. S. 1-12, Issue 4
2017Forced autonomy and no time to grieve. Transnational childhoods in Ecuador. In: Schnoor, H. (ed.) Psychosocial development in postmodernity. Psychoanalytic perspectives. Pp. 109-124. Psychosozial-Verlag, Giessen
2017Ambivalences of the Stranger. Social psychological attempts at understanding. In: Psychoanalysis in contradiction. Physicality and ambivalence. Pp.29-42
2017Children on the run. The traumatization of a generation. In: K.-J. Bruder and C. Bialluch (eds.): Migration and racism. The politics of misanthropy. Gießen, Psychosozial-Verlag, pp. 83-100
2017Drawings on the skin: the secret messages of piercings and tattoos. In: Social Magazine1-2-2017:66-71.
2017Drawings on the skin: the secret messages of piercings and tattoos. Between optimization mania and adolescence-specific search for identity. In Social Magazine 1-2.2017, pp. 70-77
2016If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together. In: Gruppenpsychother. Gruppendynamik 52: 308 – 322 (2016), Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen 2016
2016Review of: Schindler, R. (2016): The living structure of the group. Selected writings. Giessen, Psychosozial-Verlag. In: group psychotherapy and group dynamics. 2/2019, pp. 173-179
2016Intimidad e incohesión en un mundo globalizado. En: Guimón, J. (Coord.:.De la cuna al asilo. Cuál es el futuro de la Salud Mental en Europa? p. 155-170, Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao.
2016When the contract killer is at the door. In: Project Psychotherapy 03/2016, pp. 24-26.
2016Piercings and tattoos and the eventization of the body. In: Yearbook of Pedagogy 2016. pp. 147-157
2016If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together. In: Gruppenpsychotherapie, Gruppendynamik 52:308-322.
2016Intimidad e incohesión en un mundo globalizado. En:Guimón, J. (coord.): De la cuna al asilo. Cuál es el futuro de la Salud Mental en Europa? Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao, p. 155-170.
2016Transnational Childhood and the Globalization of Intimacy. In: Hunner-Kreisel, C./ Bohne, S. (Eds.): Childhood, Youth and Migration. Connecting Global and Local Perspectives. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, p.261-273.
2016Supervisión Psicosocial en una Sociedad traumatizada. Programas de Paz y Reconciliación en Guatemala. En: Spiller, R. con la cooperación con W. Mackenbach, E. Rohr, T. Schreijäck, G. Strecker (Eds.): Guatemala: Nunca Más. Editores F&G, Guatemala, p. 105-127
2015/2016The Social Unconscious in the Supervision of the Stranger. Experiences in South Africa, in Guatemala and in Ramallah/Westbank. In: supervision, people work organization. Issue 4, pp. 22-31.
2015female and male attitudes in supervision. In:Gröning, K. /Kunstmann, A.-C./Neumann, C. (Eds.): Gender-sensitive counseling. Lines of tradition and practical approaches. Psychosozial-Verlag, Giessen, pp. 261-275.
2015Migration, Trauma and School. Commentary on the contribution by  D. Zimmermann. In: Free Association, Issue 1, pp. 114-117
2014Intimacy and Social Suffering in a Globalized World. In: Group Analysis 47(4), p. 365-384.
2014Fugitive Identities in Volatile Times. In Group Analysis 2’14, pp.85-96
2014Transnational motherhood and transnational childhood. An Ecuadorian case study. In: Radl Pilipp, Rita / Fonseca-Silva, Conceição (ed.): Violencia contra las mujeres. Perspectivas transculturales. Violence against women. Cross cultural perspectives. Santiago de Compostela:Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, p. 65-84.
2014La travesía de Enrique – Enrique’s Journey. In: Hispanorama  No. 144 Mai 2014, S. 40-41.
2014Tattoos and Piercings. Adolescents in search of identity. In: . In: Impuls, Das Magazin Des Österreichischen Berufsverbandes für Kinesiologie No. 31(1), pp. 26-27
2014The Globalization of Intimacy. Fates of transnational childhood. In: Rohr/Jansen/Adamou (eds.): The forgotten children of globalization, Psychosozial-Verlag, Giessen, pp. 99-120.
2014Beauty surgery. Beauty mania or a new form of body therapy. In: Impuls, Das Magazin Des Österreichischen Berufsverbandes für Kinesiologie No. 32(2), pp.42-44.
2013Achotegui, J.: The Ulises Syndrome. Mental health risk factors in migration. In Rohr/Jansen/
Adamou (eds.): The forgotten children of globalization. Psychosozial-Verlag, Giessen, pp. 49-62.
2013The Denial of Grief. Transnational childhood in Ecuador. Scenes from a field research. In: Rohr, E. (ed.): Staging the unconscious in modernity. Alfred Lorenzer today. Tectum-Verlag, Marburg, pp. 139-156
2012Intimidad e incohesión en un mundo globalizado. En: Avances en salud mental relacional. Revista Inernacional On-Line, Vol. 13, No. 1
2012From Conflict to Recognition: Cultural Transformation through Group Supervision in Guatemala. In: Group Analysis Volume 46/ 3. 272-285.
2012La infancia transnacional y el debate en torno a la “cadena del cuidado”. In: Ecuador Debate, Heft 88, S. 169 – 182.
2012Formación en supervisión analítica de gupo en Guatemala. – Giros de Aspas, 2012/ 10: 64-74.
2012Challenging Empathy. In: Clinical Social Work Journal 40/4: 450-456.
2012Le tracce del trauma nella realtà post-bellica del Guatemala. Riflessioni teoriche sugli effetti del trauma sull’ organizzazione sociale. En: Gruppi, Vol. XIV, N. 3 Settembre-Dicembre 2012, p. 11-38.
2012Understanding and entanglement – Ethnopsychoanalytic method and supervision. In: Forum Supervision, Issue 40, pp. 27-41
2012Elisabeth Rohr with the collaboration of Elin Rau: Transnational childhood and the “care chain” debate. In. Birkle, C., Kahl, R., Ludwig, G., Maurer, S. (eds.): Emancipation and feminist politics. Entanglements, dislocations, transformations. Sulzbach/Taunus, Ulrike Helmer Verlag, pp. 246-262
2012Traces of trauma in post-conflict Guatemala: theoretical reflections on the effects of trauma on social organisation. In: Auestad, Lene (Ed.): Psychoanalysis and Politics. Exclusion and the Politics of Representation. London, Karnac, p.173-198
2012Desafiando la empatía en un contexto traumitazante. Experiencias como Supervisora Analítica de Grupo en una Sociedad Posconflicto. En: Revista Psicólogos, Ciudad de Guatemala, Numero 5, Abril 2012, p.6-12.
2012An internship in Africa and its supervisory reappraisal in a university seminar. In: Dinger, W. (Ed.): Gruppenanalytisch denken -supervisorisch handeln. Group competence in supervision and the world of work. Kassel, pp. 200-217.
2011After the Conflict: Training of Group Supervision in Guatemala. – In: Kleinberg, J.L. (Hrsg.): The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook if Group Psychotherapy. Oxford, S. 517-547.
2011Challenging Empathy. Experiences as a Group Analytic Supervisor in a Post-Conflict Society. In: Clinical Social Work Journal. Volume 29, Number 1, 3/2011, S. 1-7.
2011Supervision with students in university seminars. A special form of counseling and theory-practice mediation. In: Schnoor, Heike (ed.): Psychodynamic Counseling. Göttingen 2011.
2011Body modifications in female adolescence using the example of piercings and tattoos. In: Borkenhagen, A. & E. Brähler (Eds.): Intimmodifications. Varieties of play and their psychosocial meanings. Giessen 2010, pp. 31-52.
2010The Kurdish Schoolgirl. A case interpretation. In: Werkblatt. Psychoanalysis & social criticism. 27th Jhg. 2010, Heft 65, 2/2010, pp. 87-110.
2010Women in Latin American Fundamentalism. In: Bertelsmeier-Kierst, C. (ed.): Between Reason and Feeling. Female religiosity from antiquity to the present. Bern. Berlin. Frankfurt am Main 2010, pp. 199-211.
2010From sacred ritual to youth-cultural design. On the social and psychological significance of piercings and tattoos. In: Abraham, A., Müller, B. (Eds.): Body action and body experience. Multidisciplinary perspectives on an explosive field. Bielefeld 2010, pp.225-242.
2009How to ride a dead horse? Symptoms of collective traumatization. Experiences in Guatemala. In: Free Association. Journal of the Unconscious in Organization and Culture. 12. jhg. 2009, issue 3, pp. 85-97.
2009Supervision training in Guatemala. A challenge in terms of content as well as emotion. In: DGSv Aktuell 1.2009, pp.8-9.
2009Farewell to a Dead Horse: Group Analytic Supervision Training in Post-War Guatemala. In: Group Analysis 42(2), 2009, p.107-119.
2008Let’s Talk. Communication in intercultural school situations. In: Schnabel,B./Bianchi-Schaeffer, M. (Eds.): The intercultural classroom. Frankfurt am Main 2008, pp. 55-70.
2008Alienation and Identity. Supervision in Guatemala. In: Group Analysis Vol. 18(2), 2008, pp. 121-134.
2008Supervision and biography in the context of psycho-social traumatization processes. Experiences from Guatemala. In: Forum Supervision, Issue 32, Volume 16, October 2008, pp. 11-23.
2008Body manipulation in female adolescence using the example of piercings and tattoos. In: Psychosozial, No. 112, 31st volume, Issue II, 2008, pp. 13-22.
2008Ethnopsychoanalytic Experiences in Guatemala. On teaching and learning intercultural communication and the relevance of ethnopsychoanalysis for pedagogy. In: Datler, Wilfried/Finger-Trescher, Urte/Gstach, Johannes/Steinhardt, Kornelia (Eds.): Annäherung an das Fremde. Ethnographic research and work in a psychoanalytic-pedagogical context. Jahrbuch für Psychoanalytische Pädagogik 16. Giessen 2008, pp. 92-103.
2007Interculturality in Supervision. Group analytic examples from Guatemala. In: Roth, Wolfgang Martin/ Shaked, Josef (eds.): Transcultural Coexistence in the Age of Globalization. Vienna 2007, pp. 123-142.
2006Time to Remember and Time to Understand. Dialogue with a coma patient and a plea against euthanasia. In: Bauer, Annemarie/Gröning, Katharina (eds.): The late family. Intergenerational relationships in old age. Giessen 2007, pp. 107-117.
2006The Coyote. A trafficker and his business with migration. In: Frankfurter Rundschau, No. 33 of 08.02.2006, pp. 24-25.
2006Shame and individuation in migration. In: Gruppenanalyse – Zeitschrift für gruppenanalytische Psychotherapie, Beratung und Supervision, 16 (1), 2006, pp. 10-28.
2005Innovative Methods of Intercultural Understanding. In: Biesinger, Albert et al. (eds.): Solidarity as an intercultural learning process. Münster 2005, pp. 127-139.
2005Power and Gender in Organizations. In: Haubl, Rolf (ed.): group analytic supervision and organizational consulting: an introduction. Giessen 2005, pp. 79-98.
2005Intercultural conflicts – backgrounds, manifestations, coping strategies. In: Schäfer, Ute/Heimvolkshochschule Haus Neuland e.V.. (Ed.): Impulse für eine interkulturelle Teamentwicklung in der Altenhilfe – Handreichungen für die Praxis. 22nd workshop report. Bielefeld 2005, pp. 135-148.
2005Migrant Women at Work – Paradoxes of a Monoculturally Oriented Working World in Social Institutions. In: Schäfer, Ute/Heimvolkshochschule Haus Neuland e.V.. (Eds.): Impulse für eine interkulturelle Teamentwicklung in der Altenhilfe – Handreichungen für die Praxis. 22nd workshop report. Bielefeld 2005, pp. 95-108.
2005Intercultural Competence. In: Blickpunkt EFL-Beratung: Zeitschrift des Bundesverbandes katholischer Ehe-, Familien-, und Lebensberaterinnen und -berater e.V., April 2005, pp. 19-27.
2005Treading Boundaries: Young migrant women in the group analytic process. In: Brandes, Holger (ed.): Boundaries and boundary violations in groups. The group in clinic and practice (vol. 1). Opladen 2005, pp. 49-62.
2005Conference report: 5th Summer Academy of the DAGG in Granada, Spain. In: Psyche: Journal of Psychoanalysis and its Applications, 59, 2005, pp. 175-177.
2004Educational Aspirations of Young Migrant Women and the Ambiguities of Adolescence. In: Frölich, Margrit et al. (eds.) Interculturality in European Perspective. Adolescents from migrant families and their chances for integration (Arnoldshainer Interkulturelle Diskurse 5). Frankfurt/Main 2004, pp. 67-78.
2003Economic-cultural change in the age of globalization: opportunities and risks for the young generation and requirements for an intercultural education. Documentation of the symposium “Possibilities and limits in intercultural youth education and youth work”, September 17-18, 2003 in Oberreifenberg, pp. 9-19.
2003Migration and female adolescence. Group analytic experiences from a research project. In: Yearbook of Group Analysis, vol. 9, 2003, pp. 53-68.
2003Intercultural Competence. A shared and mutual learning process in a globalizing world. In: Paths to Man: Monatsschrift für Seelsorge und Beratung, heilendes und soziales Handeln, 55 (8), 2003, pp. 507-526.
2003Schmidt-Bernhardt, Angela: Die Schöne, die Kluge, die Einfühlsame. Dynamics in a bicultural group with young women. In: Group Analysis, 13 (1), 2003, pp. 47-62.
2002Intercultural Competence as a Key Qualification of an Ethnic-Plural Society. In: Teichler, A. (ed.): Welfare state, immigration and ethnic minorities. Problems, developments, perspectives. Opladen 2002, pp. 199-214.
2002Education and Reflexive Modernity. In: Götz, K. (ed.): Bildungsarbeit der Zukunft. Management Concepts. Vol. 26, Munich/Mering 2002, pp. 271-284.
2002Lost Shadows – Migrants, Refugees and Social Class: A Group-Analytic Challenge. In: Group Analysis, 35, 2002, p. 424-436.
2002Leaving Old Paths for New Horizons. The beginning and the end of supervision training. In: Forum Supervision, 19, 2002, pp. 26-40.
2001La violencia xenófoba en Alemania. Datos actualos y aspectos de género. In: Radl Philipp, Rita (Hrsg.): Cuestiones Actuales de Sociología del Género. Santiago de Compostela  2001, Espana, p. 221-238.
2001Women on the run. In: iza – journal of migration and social work. Heft 2, 2001, pp. 62-65.
2001Totally different and yet the same. Female life concepts of young migrant women in adolescence. In: Rohrmann, Eckhard (ed.): Mehr Ungleicheit für alle. Facts, Analyses and Reports on the Social Situation of the Republic at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Heidelberg 2001, pp. 115-134.
2001The Love of Daughters. Female adolescence in migration. In: Sturm, Gabriele/Schachtner, Christina/Rausch, Renate/Maltry, Karola (eds.): Zukunfts(t)räume. Gender relations in the process of globalization. Königstein 2001, pp. 138-162.
2000Schnabel, Beate: Flüchtige Identitäten. Young female refugees and the difficulties of becoming adults. In: Group Analysis, 10th volume, issue 1, 2000, pp. 19-34.
2000Group Analytic Mediation. In: Heimannsberg, Barbara/Schmidt-Lellek, Christoph (eds.): Intercultural Counseling and Medition. Frankfurt 2000, pp. 75-93.
2000The Desire of the Researcher. In: Eisenbach-Stangel, Irmgard/Stangel, Wolfgang (eds.): The External and Internal Foreign. Strangers in sociological and psychoanalytical perspective. Vienna 2000, pp. 75-94
2000Eroticism and power in supervision and therapy. In: Group Analysis, Vol. 10, Issue 2, 2000, pp. 101-125
1999Schnabel, Beate: Personality Development. In: Woge e.V./Institut für soziale Arbeit e.V. (Eds.): Handbook of social work with child refugees. Hamburg 1999, pp. 351-358
1999The fundamentalist disenchantment of the world – The ethnopsychoanalytic case study of an Indian Mormon in Ecuador. In: Apitzsch, Ursula (ed.): Migration and the Formation of Traditions. Opladen/Wiesbaden 1999, pp. 273-298
1999Staging Modernity on the Example of Xenophobic Violence. In: Psychosozial, No. 77, Issue III, 1999, pp. 97-108
1999The Robbed Masculinity. On the ethnopsychoanalysis of religious fundamentalism in Latin America. In: action, culture, interpretation. Journal of social and cultural studies. 8. volume, issue 2, December 1999, pp. 27-58
1999Cultural Change – and how women and men react to it. In: Götz, Klaus (ed.): Cultural Change. Stuttgart 1999, pp. 61-68
1999Between all chairs. Female supervisor and male client. In: Forum Supervision, No. 13, March 1999, pp. 55-71
1999Women and men in supervision. In: Wege zum Menschen, 51st volume, issue 1, January 1999, pp. 17-38.
1998Das Fremde im Eigenen – Sozialkritisch-psychoanalytische Überlegungen. In: Büttner, C. (et al.) (eds.): Bridges and Fences. Intercultural Pedagogy between the Foreign and the Own. Giessen 1998, pp. 107-120.
1998With religiously-inspired pioneering spirit. Fundamentalist against disintegration and subjective neglect. In: ila, Journal of the Latin America Information Point, No. 216, June 1998, pp. 7-9.
1998The Pact with the Devil. The Fiesta de San Juan in Otavalo, Ecuador. In: Schmidt, E./Münzel, M. (eds.): Ethnology and Staging. Approaches to theatrical anthropology. Marburg 1998, pp. 315-348.
1997De cuando la razón entra en conflicto con la sensorialidad fisica. Los roles feminino y masculino en el marco de la investigación antropológica. En: Alonso, Jorge (Ed.): ESPIRAL, Estudios sobre Estado y Sociedad, Universidad de Guadalajara, Septiembre/Diciembre de 1997, p. 167-204.
1997On the crisis of supervision and the future of the profession. In Gruppenanalyse 1/1997, pp. 33-48.
1997The Challenge of the Stranger – Reflections on the Supervision of Intercultural Work Contexts. In: Treber, M./Burggraf, W./Neider, N. (Eds.): Learning Dialogue. Concepts and Reflections from the Practice of North-South Encounters. Frankfurt am Main 1997, pp.256-266.
1996Reprint. In: Menne, K/Cremer, H./Hundsalz, A.: Jahrbuch für Erziehungsberatung. Munich 1996, vol. 2, pp. 209-222.
1996De cuando la razón entra en conflicto con la sensibilidad fisica: los roles femenino y masculino en el marco de la investigación antropoliogica. En: Radl Philipp, R. (Ed.): Mujeres e institución universitaria en Occidente. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela 1996, Espagna, p. 191-212.
Intoxication and Asceticism. On the Ethnopsychoanalysis of Fundamentalism. In: Journal für Psychologie. Bremen 1995/96, pp. 63-84.
1995Fascinación y miedo: La vivencia masculina y femenina del ser extrano. En: Actualidades en Psicologia. Etnopsicoanalisis y Hermeneutica profunda en la investigación social. Reflexiones sobre el racismo. Vol. 11, Nr. 87, San José, Cost Rica 1995, p. 33-54.
1995The Female and the Male Gaze: The perception of the stranger and the gender of the researcher. In: Heinemann, Evelyn/Krauß, Günter (eds.): Gender and culture. Contributions to Ethnopsychoanalysis. Nuremberg 1995, pp. 129-174.
1995The Foreign Woman. The female view of a foreign culture. In: “Notizen”, Journal of the Institute for Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology at the University of Frankfurt 1995, pp. 265-298.
1995Catholics or Evangelicals? In: Journal of Latin America. Vienna 1995, No. 46/47, pp. 79-92.
1995Feminismo y Psicoanálisis. In: Radl Philipp, Rita/Garcia Negro, Carmen (Ed.): As Mulleres e os Cambios Siciais e Econimicos. Santiago de Compostela 1995, S. 149-158.
1995When the Dream Becomes a Nightmare. On the supervision of institutionally unconscious violent relationships. In: Bauer, Annemarie/Gröning, Katharina (eds.): Institutional histories and institutional analyses. Social Scientific Interferences in Floors and Layers of their Rules. Tübingen 1995, pp. 220-248.
1994Ethnicity and Cultural Symbolic Structures. In: Kößler, Reinhart/Schiel, Tilman (eds.): Nation-State and Ethnicity. Frankfurt 1994, pp. 57-74.
1993Fascination and Fear. Male and female experience of strangeness. In: Jansen, Mechtild M./Prokop, Ulrike (eds.): Fremdenangst und Fremdenfeindlichkeit. Frankfurt 1993, pp. 133-162.
1993Fundamentalism: A Utopia of the Disenfranchised? An ethnopsychoanalytic case study from Ecuador and some reflections on the method of psychoanalytic field research. In: Periphery No. 50/1993, pp. 19-36.
1993In the Church: Ethnopsychoanalytic Research in Ecuador. In: Group Analysis (London), Vol. 26. No.3, Sep. 1993, p. 295-306.
1992The Age of Anger. The Ecuadorian painter Guayasamin in conversation with Elisabeth Rohr. In: Kea. Journal of Cultural Studies. 1992,pp. 107-128.
1992The Protestant fundamentalism in Latin America: a paternalistic surrogate? In: Contributions to Feminist Theory and Practice, 32/1992, pp. 37-46.
1992In the Glass House – Group Analytic Experiences with Secretaries. In: Group Analysis 1’92, pp. 69-87.
1991Sensuality as Taboo. On the subjectivity of research experiences. In: Heinemann, evelyn/Kraus, Günter (eds.): contributions to ethnopsychoanalysis. The Mirror of the Stranger. Nürnberg 1991, pp. 131-144.
1991Fragile Boundaries: A Group-Analytic Experience with Secretaries. In: Group Analysis (London), Vol. 24, No. 3, Sep. 1991, p. 263-270.
1991Women in a Fatherless Society. On the significance of women in the history of religion in Latin America. In: Steger, H.A. (ed.): volume 18 of Latin American Studies, Nuremberg 1991, pp. 309-318
1991Paura e seduzione nell`incontro con lo straniero. In: Homuth, Karl/za, Luigi (Ed.): Nuove minoranze in europa: quale formazione. Lecce (Italien) 1991, S. 131-138.
1990“…and they poison the blood of our children, brothers and sisters”. On the causes of the success of Protestant missionary entrepreneurs in Latin America. In: Periphery 39/40, 10th volume, Dec. 1990, pp. 196-216. (also published in Ecuador)
1990The End of the Indian Lament. Impression from the Continental Assembly of Indian Peoples in Quito, Ecuador. In: ila, journal of the Latin America Information Office, No. 138, Sep. 1990, pp. 6-7.
1990The Dream of Flying. Cult mission in Latin America. In: Ethnopsychoanalysis. Faith, magic, religion. Frankfurt am Main 1990, pp. 55-87. (also published in Ecuador)
1988On the role of women in the uprising of Otavalo 1777. In: Kellenbenz, H./Schmitt, E./Schneider, J. (eds.): Lectures on economic and social history. Heft 13, Nürnberg 1988,
1987Mujeres y resistencia. In: Sarance No. 11, La revista del Instituto Otavaleno de Antropología, Otavalo, Ecuador 1987, S. 37-48.
1987Van Wilde Indiaan tot tamme Loonslaaf. de kwalijke praktijken von Sekten in Latijns-Amerika. In: Elsevier (Niederlande) No. 46, 43. Jahrgang., vom 14.11.1987, S. 172-175.
1987The initiation of a researcher into a foreign culture. In: Curare 10,2/1987, pp. 69-85.

II. Other publications

1990The Air Force of the Missionary Army. On the worldwide expansion of the Protestant fundamentalist radio and television mission. In: Die Neue Zürcher Zeitung, no. 172, 27.07.1990, p. 55.
1988“Let the Indians Pray and Work.” North American Missionary Enterprises in Latin America. In: Die Neue Zürcher Zeitung, no. 87 of 15.04.1988, p. 5.
1987“God Loves Us as Well as the Whites.” The Gentle Seducers Exploit the Mistakes of the Rulers. In: Die ZEIT. extra, No. 40 of 25.09.1987, pp. 49-54.

III. Lectures

2009Vom sakralen Ritual zum jugendkulturellen Design. Zur sozialen und psychischen Bedeutung von Piercings und Tattoos.
2007Fremdheit und Identität.

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